
Showing posts from June, 2024

Developing Some of the Final Concepts

After the exploration of multiple concepts I went over in my previous posts, it was time for me to start to create finalised concepts for these props - my goal is to do as many of these as I can to improve my workflow and understanding of creating prop concepts.  Many artists in industry concepting props start out with using a 3D modelling software to create something to work from. Essentially, rather than sketching two views of a prop from scratch, it is quicker to create a 3D model so sketch over after creating it - by no means does it need to be 'game ready' as a 3D artist would do this, but it just speeds up the sketching process.  So I went into Blender and made my first prop, I have included screenshots of this below. I started out by making a clock.  Once I was happy with where everything was placed and the shapes of everything, I took these screenshots into Procreate to begin working on the final concept. Again. I have included images below, as well as a 30 second time-

Further Concept Exploration

Continuing on from my previous update, I finished off my concept sheet I was working on. I added in a coffee machine and a sofa, to give the sofa a futuristic feel I gave it a lot of curved edges, but used a fabric trim to give a 50’s feel. For the coffee machine, I tried to keep the shape reminiscent of 50’s coffee machines but with a screen to select coffee type, and an automatic glass door that slides down when a selection is chosen. Below is the sketches and a time-lapse.   Following on from these initial sketches, I worked on some thumbnail sketches, allowing me to explore multiple options by first laying out some shapes and working within them. A lot of artists use this process to generate ideas they might not have done if they weren't working within the constraints of the shape drawn. Below is a picture of two sheets of concepts I worked through, along with time-lapses of each. I tried to continue with designs even if I didn't like them as they may have elements that I u