Developing Some of the Final Concepts

After the exploration of multiple concepts I went over in my previous posts, it was time for me to start to create finalised concepts for these props - my goal is to do as many of these as I can to improve my workflow and understanding of creating prop concepts. 

Many artists in industry concepting props start out with using a 3D modelling software to create something to work from. Essentially, rather than sketching two views of a prop from scratch, it is quicker to create a 3D model so sketch over after creating it - by no means does it need to be 'game ready' as a 3D artist would do this, but it just speeds up the sketching process. 

So I went into Blender and made my first prop, I have included screenshots of this below. I started out by making a clock. 

Once I was happy with where everything was placed and the shapes of everything, I took these screenshots into Procreate to begin working on the final concept. Again. I have included images below, as well as a 30 second time-lapse as usual.

Following on from this, I wanted to finalise a radio concept. So I followed the same set of steps as before, once again, below are screenshots of the 3D model, a picture of the finished concept and a time-lapse.

I definitely felt more confident doing this second concept as I had already gotten an understanding of using Blender as a part of my workflow. Something I would improve with both of these designs, it is difficult to tell that the text and numbers etc are actually on LED screens, it was hard to render in a way to show this, but I think it would have been useful even to just have a material callout explaining that these designs use LED screens.

I will continue to work on more designs using this workflow and update on this blog once I have done some more!


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