Further Concept Development

I worked on some sketches following on from the thumbnails I did previously, I am happy with how these sketches turned out and I think I got to explore lots of ideas. It helped me establish things I didn’t like and design elements I would want to potentially take into the final concept for this character. To speed up my process, I sketched over a reference image of a person standing posed and designed the character on top of this outline.

Below is a picture of the concepts, and a timelapse of the process.

Next, I went through each design to see elements I liked and things I thought didn’t really work. Effectively asking “Does it look good?” and “Does it serve a function?”, generally if the answer to either of these is yes, then I find the design element has potential and might do well in a final concept. If it doesn’t make a design look good or if it doesn’t make sense, then there’s no point in taking it further. 

Elements I like I circled green, elements I didn’t like I circled red. I tried to make more notes as well about my choices, so I can refer back to these notes later on. 

Next I will be moving on to putting together a final concept sheet for this character, settling on design elements I want to include, and what colour scheme I want to use.


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