Thumbnail Development

I worked on creating some thumbnails for the character I want to create, while I have created thumbnails for props I haven’t done this process for characters before, but as it is a very widely used process I wanted to try it.

At first I didn’t think this would be helpful, but the constraints of only having effectively the outline/silhouette of a character to work with forced me to think of different designs to make this basic outline more interesting.

The top row of thumbnails I looked at 50’s references first then added in more futuristic influences on top, I then switched the order I looked at references for the bottom half of the page, looking to futuristic influence first, then adding in 50’s inspired elements. I felt this was a good way to push me to explore lots of options and avoid sticking in one type of design.

Below is the image of the thumbnails, as well as a 30 second timelapse, moving forward, I will continue to create some sketches exploring my designs further. 


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