Digital Sketchbook Update - Part 1

Similar to my update on my sketchbook outside of University work, I wanted to do a digital sketchbook summary of any bits I have done, especially as I have been unwell, these odd bits of sketching have definitely helped me get back into painting again. I will include images and the 30 second timelapse’s for each, then I have everything in one place!

Having a mental disorder is tricky, because while I love art and creating, when a spell hits of feeling particularly unwell, I stop doing everything I enjoy. So I am happy that I have been able to have these moments of sketching and experimenting - hopefully I will be able to do another blog post with more of these sketches in future!

A duck! I wanted to experiment with a more sketchy style, like it was drawn on paper with pencils and crayons. I think I did this one with the hopes of making it a sticker. I was inspired by artist “”, their art is really fun to look at and very sketchy and colourful. I have included a link here:

This robin was another attempt at rendering less, and just keeping it as simple as possible. But I definitely muddied the colours a lot here.

This sketch I wanted to try to practice my understanding of colour, and try to look at the reference image and pick colours that made sense and were similar to the image.

This piece was inspired by illustrator John Lihou, he primarily draws animals, but I really love his art style so wanted to try replicating it myself but by doing a self portrait - I definitely want to get in the habit of exploring other art styles. I have linked Lihou’s work here if you want to see it:

I did this sketch on a coach to the Yorkshire Games Fest! It was raining, and I felt like the view of the road ahead looked really calming and gloomy (but oddly in a comforting way?) so I did a sketch of it. Trying to stay loose and play around with different brushes, even though it is unfinished I think I got the gloomy feel!

This was done in a concept art workshop at the Yorkshire Games Fest, we were given about half an hour to an hour to create a character that fit into the Jack and the Beanstalk story. I wanted to do the giant, I definitely saw him as an older man but didn’t set myself enough time to explore what his whole body would look like.

I can’t work from home because I have a fatigue issue, and being out and about helps me stay awake. So I am usually working in cafes and restaurants. This was a sketch of a Vada Pav from Bundobust, I wanted to work quickly and again avoid rendering too much, focusing on getting the colours and shapes of the burger. 

Another unfinished sketch, this one was actually to keep me occupied while I was getting my hair cut. I tried to study the colours used in the reference and pick them out by eye on the colour wheel. I think I will have to finish this one at some point because I love how the dog looks!

And that is it for any odd sketches outside of uni work that I have done lately, as mentioned I definitely would like to do more of these and update them on the blog. I think it’s a good way to practice what I learn and new techniques.


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