Essay Progress

Today I wanted to get a bit of a plan for what I would do with my essay, so I started out by gathering all the Q&A portions of my emails and messages to industry professionals, and I put them all onto my Notion for easier reference and access. Below is a screenshot of these notes are laid out:

Now these are easier to access, I put the quotes and questions into my essay to get an overall look at word count and what I am working with, the guide word count we should aim for this section of the essay is 1000 words.

I definitely have a lot to work with! So now it will be a case of reworking the quotes I have and inputting my own thoughts!

I started to rework the quotes, including smaller snippets to allow me to add my thoughts, I will include screenshots below of progress so far:

The word count is definitely looking a lot healthier now! Though it will likely need reworking further after inputting the third industry artists quotes. I also need to add in more of my own thoughts and some general direction for the essay. 


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