The Setting for My Illustration

For my initial illustration test I want to use a pre-existing game world to base it on, I decided I wanted to base my illustration within the world of Dishonored. It is a game that I think really immerses players into its setting, even just through the concept art and environment illustrations for the game, the tone is set really well.

I used the website below to gather images of the art created for Dishonoured to refer back to for inspiration:

I also put these images together onto a mood board for quicker referencing back:

I used the Wiki for Dishonored to get more of an understanding of the world, though I have played the game myself I wanted some more insight into the setting. I also wanted to understand the plague within the world more and the use of whale oil for power. 

The following links are what I used to get a better understanding: 

Using the information I have learnt about the world, and using the art for the game as inspiration, I can now create my own piece that will fit into this setting.


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