Creating the Baker Character - Part 2

Following on from the last update on the baker character, I spent some time over a day choosing what parts of my ideas to bring forwards into the final design, before going on to draw a front, side and back view for the final concept. I worked on the majority of this process over one day, spending today when writing this just reworking parts of the concept and doing the side view. 

I will be doing a second version with some colours and minimal rendering, just to give a better vision for how the final character would look. But below is how the no colour version of the finished concept looks:

I have included a 30 second Timelapse of the process below, just a heads up there is flashing at the end of the Timelapse as I decide what background colour to go with.

This process has been really interesting to go through, I definitely got a better understanding of how concept art works, I had to rework things throughout where I didn’t think about the design being functional or making sense but rather focused on it just ‘looking good’. I think my conversation with Jørunn makes even more sense after completing my first concept, she mentioned concept art is about problem solving more than anything, and I definitely understand that. 

I do plan on adding some colour next, and while I would like to do a nice pose for him as well I may come back further down the line to do that, as because of being ill I have already spent too long with this concept. 


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