Sketchbook Update - Part 1

As I am between flats at the moment I haven’t had my sketchbooks with me, and I thought it would be useful to sketch more often again, sketching in a physical book sometimes feels like there is a bit less pressure to make work perfect. So I bought a new sketchbook and some essential supplies, this update is some of the sketches I have done over the past few weeks when I have made time.

A page listing my goals I always find quite useful to refer back to, it helps me to keep my focus. The second page I scribbled all over, to get over that fear of making the very first page perfect.

The next two pages I drew some baked goods in colour pencil, it was difficult not being able to erase mistakes, but I think it was a good practice. I used a white paint pen to make the highlights stand out more.

This is the page that made me realise the paint markers I had with me were on their last legs. It was a real struggle making the colours look how I wanted here. But I think I (sort of) pulled it off, an unintentional challenge to my perfectionist urges.

I did some character sketches for a baker character I wanted to concept, I have since written the brief for this character to properly work on him. I also did a page with paint markers once again, this one looks a lot more bright, I always find colourful things like fruits satisfying to paint.

I am naming this blog post with ‘Part 1’ in hopes that I continue using my sketchbook, not just for concept art work, but for anything and everything. So hopefully there will be more updates like this.


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