
Showing posts from May, 2024

Initial Concept Exploration

I started to explore some initial concepts, trying to blend both a futuristic and 50's feel. I imagined humanity living in space on another planet, each city contained in oxygenated domes that also are able to alter the gravity within the space. I started with a sofa with restraints, this would allow people to relax outside the domes. I thought about how it would be promoted to people, and how product focused the 50's was. I then made a drinks dispenser, the selling point of the drinks is that they provide all the nutritional needs of customers (though would probably also have some not nice ingredients that are in the fine print). Next I created a light which is similar to an LED light bar, surrounded by a decorative element similar to lampshade shapes in the 50's. Finishing up this page I made a radio, this radio also has the functionality to show a screen if the station features video, it also is able to display subtitles live as the speakers or music plays. While it has

Observation Studies - Understanding Shape and Colour

I wanted to get a bit more of an understanding of the differences between 40's/50's props and furniture and futuristic designs - this will help me in creating designs that blend the two themes together well. So using Pinterest I started by doing some observation sketches of furniture I saw from the 40's/50's as well as the colours used in these pieces. 50's/40's furniture observation sketches Timelapse of the process After finishing my sketches, I created a new layer and just drew out some of the basic shapes in the pieces of furniture, overall, there seems to be lots of squares and sharp edges/angles, as well as lots of circles especially on smaller details.  Outline of the basic shapes Next, I used Adobe Color to extract some themes from my sketches, what colours appear most consistently, while it's only a small selection it can still help give me an idea of what colour schemes and moods are most common in 40's/50's furniture. I have included the s

Choosing a Theme for My Concepts

After looking through ArtStation at what other concept artists are doing in their prop designs, I wanted to try to settle on a theme for my own set of props. So I went on Pinterest to begin doing research and seeing where I ended up, below are some screenshots of things I saved along with my thought process and a link to the Pinterest board. Starting off I just saved some general prop concepts to get a feel for how they are laid out on paper and how they are designed. Next I started to try to look for a retro feel but set in space, I came across the term Retrofuturism which helped in my search. I looked at products and advertisements from the 40's and 50's, a big focus in the late 40's going into the 50's was put into consumerism due to the second world war ending. So I saved a lot of products for the home that were around this time. Fallout 4 has some really nice concept art which falls under

Researching How to Create Prop Concepts

Before creating my own concepts for props, I wanted to get an understanding about how artists create this kind of concept art. While it is still within the same type of work, as the subject is different I wanted to see what changes in the concepting process. Below are notes I made through watching the videos listed below, they gave a lot of insight and I feel like I learned a lot from these artists explaining their processes. ANALYZING THE DESIGN OF HOB, SHAPE LANGUAGE, AND SCI FI DESIGNS   @ModernDayJames - 8 Feb 2018 This video begins with the artist (@moderndayjames) dissecting shapes of props within the environment of the game ‘Hob’. He explains that there are a lot of circles within the props, there is consistency in the shape language throughout.  James then begins to explore shapes to fit a sci-fi theme, beginning with a general shape sketch and “extruding out” to create a 3D shape. When choosing the shape

Learning Agreement v.3

Below I have attached screenshots of my next learning agreemen t covering DE4405 : Specialist Practice, if I change direction I will upload a new learning agreement down the line. But this will be my focus for now:

Creating the Librarian Character - Part 2

I started out this design process by sketching out any initial thoughts and ideas, I didn't want to jump straight into designing full character concepts, this helped me be a bit more free to explore different possible designs.  Next I began to explore different faces, hair and outfits for this character. The body type remained the same as I already had a guide to this in my brief. After this, I used red pen to circle ideas I didn't like, and green for those I did, this helped me to narrow down what would move into the final concept. Then I worked on the final concept for the character, combining the elements I liked and leaving out what I felt didn't work.  Through the final design, I tried to leave the back view less rendered and without texture details as this information is already communicated with the posed view. I think I am happiest with how this design turned out compared to my previous characters.

Digital Sketchbook Update - Part 2

I recently began to develop myself a 'PngTuber' character - a character to represent me when I stream online on Twitch, while I usually use a camera I thought creating a character to represent myself would be fun. Below are some initial sketches and thoughts I had, while a lot of these types of characters are very anime/manga inspired, it didn't feel very me, so I did tweak the eyes of the character: While I haven't finished the design, this was the new face with the change to the eyes: Going ahead I will be designing an outfit for the character to wear and settling on a colour scheme. I will then pose the character and create various expressions to switch between while streaming. This is something I haven't done before so I am interested to see how it turns out!