Creating the Librarian Character - Part 2

I started out this design process by sketching out any initial thoughts and ideas, I didn't want to jump straight into designing full character concepts, this helped me be a bit more free to explore different possible designs. 

Next I began to explore different faces, hair and outfits for this character. The body type remained the same as I already had a guide to this in my brief.

After this, I used red pen to circle ideas I didn't like, and green for those I did, this helped me to narrow down what would move into the final concept.

Then I worked on the final concept for the character, combining the elements I liked and leaving out what I felt didn't work. 

Through the final design, I tried to leave the back view less rendered and without texture details as this information is already communicated with the posed view. I think I am happiest with how this design turned out compared to my previous characters.


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