Design Brief - Project 1


For my first project I want to create an illustration of an environment, I want to make the environment visually interesting to make the viewer want to learn more about the environment and feel immersed in it. I will do some initial sketches to get my ideas for what I want the scene to consist of, then I will do a larger more detailed painting.


I will try to break down my objectives for this project: 

- To create an illustration which engages the viewer and helps to build an image for what the world within would look like
- To develop my skills with digital art and challenge myself creatively 
- To continue to refer back to other art and research throughout for inspiration 

This project is important as I think illustrations have the ability to draw players in, they can make the viewer want to learn more about the world of a game before even having played it. Illustrations are a great tool for world building and can offer a quick snapshot into a world. That is what I am hoping to achieve with my work.

Timeline and deliverables

Project start date: 04/10/23
Project hand in date: 20/10/23

On the hand in date I should produce an illustration of an environment. I should use other art and research too inspire my process throughout. I also need to conclude my project with a conclusion of how it went, this should be between 200-300 words.

I need to blog my progress throughout; from inspiration and research, to the actual sketches and final illustration.


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