Experiments With Colour and Framing

The Bezold Effect

I wanted to create some experiments replicating the 'Bezold Effect' I had researched. I started put by creating some clouds, putting them over a black background and a blue background - however because the clouds were slightly transparent I felt that it would be more effective so do a design that had no transparent elements.

So I created a pink/purple swirling pattern, then changing the background to black and then white. Both versions definitely appeared quite different after making these changes. 

One colour appearing as two

For the next experiment I wanted to make one colour appear as two different colours - referring back to the experiment by Josef Albers. 

However, I felt my experiment didn't work as well as I had hoped. I wanted the two outer eyes to appear as different colours, I think the colours I used were not as effective, so I may try this composition again with a different set of colours. 

Rule of thirds

For the next experiment I wanted to paint something and try placing it in different areas of the canvas, trying to stick with the rule of thirds. 

I painted a leaf, initially placing in the centre, which works really well, then aligning to the left, the lower right axis point and two one in the lower right axis point and one on the upper left axis point. 

I felt like these placements made a lot of sense and I definitely think in a busy piece that putting the focus point in any of these placements would help draw the viewers eye.


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