Workflow Experiment - Part 2

I wanted to make another attempt at practicing the workflow I mentioned in one of the previous posts with something more colourful, so I did a study on flowers to try this. 

I started out with a rough sketch.

I then made a cleaner outline.

Next I put some flat colour distinguishing each area to make them easier to select for shading.

Next I painted with black through to white.

Then creating the gradient maps for each section.

For final details, I made the background slightly blurred and added noise, I also added more texture to the petals and an orange tint on some areas of the flowers. After a few more final additions I cropped the canvas and below is the finished painting.

I definitely think that I handled this workflow better this time and it seems like this will be a good way to improve my process, I was able to achieve vibrant colours which was my main concern initially but I am happy with the result.


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