Starting the Essay

After the initial research and prep for the essay, I tried to work on getting everything formatted and creating the introduction. 

Formatting is a part of the process that I think is important to make the essay readable and clear, I added a title page for the essay followed by the information for the name of the assignment, the course and my details. Next I added a header once again detailing the module and title of the assignment before going on to add in page numbers at the footer. 

Next I created the Content page as well as the Bibliography, as the Bibliography section will need to be in alphabetical order I put any references into a table with no outlines, so it is easy to alphabetise when I need to rather than having to manually order everything.

Moving on to the introduction I managed to reach 421 words of the advised 450 word count which I am happy with for now, I did multiple grammar and spell checks to get to the finished introduction. I may come back to tweak it as I go through the essay but I am happy with it for now. 

I will include a screenshot of how the title page for the essay looks as well as the introduction.

Next Steps

Now I have a starting point, I will continue to the Literature Review portion of the essay and reflect on some of what I have learnt from reading so far. I also need to work on creating physical experiments for the Reflective Practice module, illustrations that test out what I am learning. 


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