Workflow Experiment - Part 1

Trying a different workflow

When painting the whale previously, I tried a new workflow to be more efficient painting, but the result came out quite washed out. So I referred to artist Marc Brunet's video on this workflow, ðŸ’Ž NEW COLORING METHOD (how to color your drawings) - YouTube

I realised my mistake was not using gradient maps so I tried a quick painting of a traffic light to test this workflow again. On reflection, I should have painted something with more colour to see how it would work, but I just went with the first thing I saw around me at the time. 
Starting out I created a rough outline, in a full illustration I would do cleaner linework after this but I skipped this stage for this experiment.

Next I painted the traffic light in just black and white, as if it was a grayscale picture.

I then added the gradient maps for each area. Giving me a quick foundation to build on.

I added some more colour and lighting to the lights to make them appear more vibrant.

I then created the background which I just kept quite simple as it was not the focus of this experiment.



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