Getting Back Into Painting - Part 2

Continuing on from my last post, I spent a few hours today experimenting on Procreate to play around with brushes, layer types and just generally get back into painting again. 

I definitely wasn’t as loose as I would have liked, but I tried a lot of different things and I am happy with the outcome. I started by looking at a reference image for inspiration and began sketching from there, I think overall this piece took me about an hour and a half. I also was able to get a timelapse of my process, I have included screenshots and the timelapse.

2 and a half minute timelapse showing the process of creating the piece.

The outline for this piece I wanted to keep quite loose, I knew my end result I wanted to look quite abstract, so I didn’t want to spend too long on the outline stage as I wouldn’t get a lot of use from it.

I stuck to using two hues next to each other on the colour wheel to paint this, and unlike in my previous piece, I just painted with colour rather than grayscale then gradient maps - I feel like just painting with colour straight away is useful when I want to be more experimental.

I kept the background relatively simple so to not distract from the woman in the piece.

Next I copied and pasted the eyes and mouth and applied a motion blur, then I moved these elements to different areas.

I then added in some more light, a bit harsher, shining on the side of the face.

I am pretty happy with how this painting turned out, it definitely made me feel less intimidated to paint as I was able to experiment lots. I tried lots of different tools and brush types that I haven’t used before which was really interesting, going forwards I am hoping I can feel less intimidated to ‘start’, and put a bit more faith in myself.


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