Colour Scheme Studies - Part 3

I finalised my studies of colour schemes, below as with previous posts are screenshots of the paintings done and an explanation of the colour scheme used in each.

Within this study I used a rectangular tetrad, similar to a square tetrad it allows me to use four colours across the colour wheel, except at points forming a rectangular shape. I tried to keep this study to about half an hour to make sure I wasn’t getting too carried away.

This colour scheme is polychromatic, meaning six or more colours at even spaces across the colour wheel are used. I can definitely see this being a really useful type of colour scheme for busier pieces.

Finishing off my studies I used a split double complementary colour scheme, this colour scheme is a hybrid of split and double complementary and consists of five colours. It was useful to help achieve different hues on the oranges but still giving enough options for the leaves and the background. I didn’t detail the leaves once again to save some time.

Below are both of the completed pages of studies, I can use this in future to help serve as a quick reference to the kinds of colour scheme types that work well.


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