Creating Witch Characters - Part 4

To finalise my concepts I chose the ones I liked most and tried to use a single colour scheme to render each of them. I have included the result below along with a 30 second timelapse.

I decided to choose the battle-mage style witch, the rotting witch and the witch with her face covered and a hood. I tried to stick with three hues and explored variations within this, using the hottest of the shades (a pink hue) to draw the viewers eye to different areas. I tried to avoid spending too long on tiny details or making it look ‘perfect’ and focused on conveying the general feel and look of these characters.

I am overall pretty happy with how this piece turned out, I used what I learnt about colour theory and utilising specific colour harmonies, I was also able to create vastly different concepts for what a witch could look like. 

It was definitely difficult trying to get this done quicker than I normally would spend on a painting, but I think over the course of this module so far I definitely have gotten better at speeding up my process.


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