Difficulties Painting

I have been having some difficulties painting lately as my mental disorder can at times be quite hard to manage, so through the past week I have not managed to make a lot of progress with my uni work. I tried to create a painting for fun which I will show the process of here, but I am definitely finding it difficult to paint at the moment which is really frustrating.

I decided to paint an otter, I love animals so this felt like a good idea to try. I also decided to just spend a short amount of time on it, I think it may have taken about two hours but I don't remember exactly. Below are some screenshots of the process and a 30 second time-lapse.

Starting with the outline, I wanted to add some indications of hair, though my colour layer I would show hair more detailed.

When working on the colour layer I used a hair brush on the smudge tool to blend the colours together and give the effect of fur.

Next I painted a watery background to make it look like the otter is in water.

I then added some final touches to highlights and this is the finished painting.


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