Creating Witch Characters - Part 2

When creating ideas for characters, I find it easiest to sketch out all the initial ideas that come to mind, I try not to set myself a genre of things to sketch to avoid limiting myself and focus purely on getting all my thoughts onto a page. 

For this I went through a few ideas, as I want to create a series of witches it felt right to sketch a spell scroll and a potion. I played around with some headwear/face idea; a large hat covering the face, a halo made with thorns, a large hood, a mask covering the face, a magical object in place of a head, a hole in the face and something concealing the eyes.

I drew a snake, a crow and a death cap mushroom, my thoughts here was to have a witch be designed inspired by creatures or nature, or to have some kind of animal companion. 

For the body I drew a torso with a gap in the centre, almost like the witch's body is in parts, floating in place. I also drew two hands overlapping, a lot of the inspiration images I looked at showed multiple arms, and I think this would definitely look interesting. 

The dagger similar to the potion and scroll just felt like an item a witch might use, I also drew a few lines on the page to create a kind of symbol, I imagine a witch having tattoos and markings, maybe scars.

Below is the picture of this sketch, a combination of the initial ideas I had, I have also included a short time-lapse that is 30 seconds long showing the process.


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