Creating the Baker Character - Part 1

Unfortunately, my mental illness has gotten in the way of completing this brief in the timescale I initially set myself, but today I was able to make progress on the concepts.

I will firstly recap my progress before today and since setting the brief, as mentioned, I was only able to work on the project a few days as I have been unwell.

I began to sketch out the proportions for the bakers body.

Then building shape on top of this rough guide to get to the body type I was aiming for.

Then a bit of general cleanup of the sketch and adding in the face. I didn’t want to worry too much about it looking perfect as this would just serve as the base to build my ideas from. 

I then created my initial concept for how the baker character might look.

I started to sketch out some ideas for what his headwear might look like, as well as the trims on his pants.

I continued on with another hat idea, as well as looking at different types of branches I could incorporate.

Lastly I did a few sketches of what his shirt could look like.

Today I wanted to take the ideas I sketched out last week and create some more concepts, then I can carry the ideas I like the most into the final design. Below is a 30 second timelapse of the progress I have made in the past 3 hours or so of working today.

Initially I sketched up the baker design I had done on paper to serve as a template.
I then started to work on the second design, while drawing the hat I felt it sort of resembled a pie, so I leaned into that idea with the folds and stitching. I added twigs in his hat, the pockets of the apron and on the necklace. I also added a rolling pin and a wooden spoon into the pockets of the apron, this apron also just starts at the hips and covers the lower body.
With the third design, I went for a hooded tunic, with a satchel for carrying twigs and baking supplies. I changed the footwear to boots and added a trim to the pants resembling grain.

I am really happy with how quickly I was able to work on the designs I did today, in just a few hours I have done more work than the past week. It is reassuring that when I am well I am able to get my ideas down quickly.

The next stage of this process I will be choosing the elements I think work best in these three designs and creating the final concept, I will also be adding colour within the final concept with a front, side and back view of the character.


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