Creating the Librarian Character - Part 1 - Research

I started off by looking on Pinterest for inspiration, I have included some screenshots below explaining the type of things I saved during this process, as well as a link to the board: 

When I looked for just images of “librarian woman” on Pinterest a lot of images just played into the “sexy librarian” trope, so looking at that was no help. So I decided to see what other artists designed for librarian characters. Some of them were male characters but I didn’t mind as it still gave an insight into the costumes and other elements of design.

Next I looked into Medieval English dresses, I definitely see the librarian in a dress but wanted to keep the medieval costume influence the other characters I drew had. So I collected some images to look back to when designing the outfit. 

I think I will be making the character light/dark skinned, and definitely want her hair braided. I haven’t actually drawn braided hair before so I saved some references of Box braids and Fulani braids to refer back to.

Next I saved just some general concept art by other artists, something to look back to for presenting my work well. Though I also follow concept artists in industry on ArtStation who I can always look to as well.

Myself and my partner were discussing Bioshock the other day and I wanted to see if the concept artist that worked on the series had his portfolio online, and he did! So I had a look through and thought I would write briefly about it here as I really love his work. I have also included a link to his portfolio below and some of his work:

Robb Waters created work for Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite, I really love how loose some of his work is, but he still gets the concept across clearly. The Handyman character definitely has more detail, but Waters doesn’t waste time on the back of the character as the details would be largely the same, instead he includes a small rough painting of what the back of the character looks like.

I still definitely struggle with sketching and keeping things loose, I think moving from illustrating characters is definitely proving a challenge as it definitely seems you work in an opposite way. Being accurate and detailed with concept art definitely isn’t as important as getting the ideas across - but while I know this it definitely will take lots more practice to get out of old habits!

Next I used ArtStation to gather a collection of concept art, while looking through Pinterest was helpful, I wanted to create a collection I could easily refer back to in future - and this way I also am following the artists so can see new work they do and contact them easily. I have included a link to the ArtStation collection below, and some screenshots to give an idea of the kind of work I have included:

As I find new concept art I like I will add into this collection, then I can have a constantly building folder to look to. Next I will work on sketching up concepts for what my librarian character could look like. 


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