Finishing Prop Concepts

I finished doing my prop concepts for this project, I am happy with how they turned out. I tried to keep rendering to just the 'posed' versions of the props, as less detail is needed on side or back views. 

I think in future I would probably include more of what I did on the bin concept by showing what material is used on different parts of the prop. I don't think I communicated this as well with my other props, so this is definitely something I will take forwards. 

In order of how they are shown on this blog post, from top to bottom, I created concepts for; a toaster, a coffee machine, a bin and a light fixture. Staying again with the theme of the previous concepts, blending futuristic design with 50's design. The shapes and colours I used I tried to link in with the 50's while functionality was more futuristic. As usual, below is all of the images of the final props along with 30 second time lapses of the process for each.

The microwave contains heated grill slots that toast bread, along with a windowed panel on every side to view progress.

The coffee machine utilises LED screens for the buttons, it also has a screen that slides down when coffee is being poured to prevent splashing out of the machine onto a surface.

The bin has an incinerator like function, utilising fire inside to burn items placed within. Then these are turned to ashes deposited at the bottom for emptying. It also contains a scanner within to verify items are in fact safe for incinerating.

The light fixture is shaped similarly to a lot of 50's fixtures, but with fluorescent lighting, shaped to mimic this style.



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