Preparing for the Degree Show + Looking for Jobs in Industry

The past week or two I have focused on getting preparations done for both the degree show, and generally preparing for looking for work in industry.

While this isn't directly related to my physical practice, I felt it was still important to update everything I have been working on here.

One of my first tasks was to update my portfolio on both ArtStation and on my website, below are screenshots of the new website and the updated ArtStation.

Here is a link to both of these sites for a full view:
Website -

Next, I designed some business cards and ordered those in preparation, as well as a display/holder for them.

Next I ordered printouts of all of my work for my online portfolio so I could have a physical version for people to flick through if preferred. I also ordered a display case/carrier to display these in (I haven't put the printouts in just yet). Below is example of one of the concept pages, I ordered them all in A4.

Next I wanted to make sure that I had a CV ready and a cover letter template that would be relevant to concept art roles. While I would be open to other roles within the industry, I think I want to keep concept art as my focus.

Once completing these documents I also wanted to create a spreadsheet for tracking applications, ready for when I begin to apply for roles. I have included a screenshot of what this tracker looks like below, I have filled out each of the dropdown options to give an idea of what options I can select.

With this done, I moved on to a task I had been putting off for a while, preparing my backlog of art for posting online. I think my likelihood of getting into the industry is higher, if I use social media to post my art frequently - essentially getting more eyes on it, and hopefully, artists in industry.

Due to the rise of AI taking artwork from people, I wanted to sign every piece of art I had done in the past few years. This way I was prepared to start posting again, while it won't make it impossible for my art to be stolen, it's the best solution I have for now. I also took pictures of all of my sketchbook work for the past year or two, edited these images ready for posting and again also signed them.

In total I had 53 digital art pieces to sign and prepare for upload, and 24 physical sketches. Below I have included all these sketches and an example of a digital and physical piece ready for upload.

Next I had to back up all of these files in multiple places to make sure I never lose this work, my computer actually had a pretty scary error while doing this, so I am really glad I backed everything up in multiple places.

The scary error!

Next I set up a schedule for myself to post art on social media, when to work on my uni project and when to sketch for ArtFight (a character design/art event I am participating in). 

My last job until much nearer to the degree show, was to create a digital poster to promote the show. I created the digital posters separately, one for the show as a whole (this I am waiting for marketing to confirm if I can post online, or if they have promotional material we can use) and one for my work. I have included both of these below.

The version that just promotes myself I posted online and began to invite people to come to the show. Including speaking with industry professionals to encourage them to also come along either to the Private View or the public version of the show.

That is the bulk of prep done! In the run up to the show I will be focusing on creating more work for my University project, and potentially will start to apply for roles!


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