Research Stage for the Next Character

As with previous projects, I started off by looking through Pinterest and saving images that I found interesting or that might help me in designing my character concept. 

Below are some screenshots of the kinds of images I found and saved, and a link to the board itself.

Starting out I wanted to get a feel for 50's fashion generally, I know I want my character to be a woman so I looked to typical styles worn and sold at the time.

Then I looked at different types of hairstyles to get some insight into styles of hair worn in the 50's.

Next I looked into futuristic fashion styles; cyberpunk and techwear gave me some good ideas. Similar to the prop designs, while I want to lean into the 50's aesthetic heavily. I think futuristic designs tend to put functionality first, so merging the functionality of these designs into a 50's aesthetic I feel would work well.

I also had a look at 'spacesuit' style designs and body armour.

I found this research more challenging than it has been in the past due to the influx of AI images in Pinterest, so in future I think I will need to shift platform for research as it was hard and time consuming to sift through images that are real vs those that were AI generated.


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