
Showing posts from July, 2024

Research Stage for the Next Character

As with previous projects, I started off by looking through Pinterest and saving images that I found interesting or that might help me in designing my character concept.  Below are some screenshots of the kinds of images I found and saved, and a link to the board itself. Starting out I wanted to get a feel for 50's fashion generally, I know I want my character to be a woman so I looked to typical styles worn and sold at the time. Then I looked at different types of hairstyles to get some insight into styles of hair worn in the 50's. Next I looked into futuristic fashion styles; cyberpunk and techwear gave me some good ideas. Similar to the prop designs, while I want to lean into the 50's aesthetic heavily. I think futuristic designs tend to put functionality first, so merging the functionality of these designs into a 50's aesthetic I feel would work well. I also had a look at 'spacesuit' style designs and body armour. I found this resear

Learning Agreement v.4

I have included my new learning agreement below, essentially I will be creating a character concept to fit into the same theme as the props I have designed.

Finishing Prop Concepts

I finished doing my prop concepts for this project, I am happy with how they turned out. I tried to keep rendering to just the 'posed' versions of the props, as less detail is needed on side or back views.  I think in future I would probably include more of what I did on the bin concept by showing what material is used on different parts of the prop. I don't think I communicated this as well with my other props, so this is definitely something I will take forwards.  In order of how they are shown on this blog post, from top to bottom, I created concepts for; a toaster, a coffee machine, a bin and a light fixture. Staying again with the theme of the previous concepts, blending futuristic design with 50's design. The shapes and colours I used I tried to link in with the 50's while functionality was more futuristic. As usual, below is all of the images of the final props along with 30 second time lapses of the process for each. The microwave contains heated grill slots

Continuing to Develop Concepts

I have spent the past few days getting back to concept work, I decided to change my workflow slightly as previously I would model a prop, then outline, colour, detail and complete. I would do this for each prop concept, completing the entire process for one prop before working on the next.  The problem with the workflow is as I am not as familiar with 3D modelling as I am painting, I would find it difficult to get used to using Blender each time, so I instead set out to model a selection of the props first before taking them into the rest of the process. I felt this worked much better, and was able to get 4 props modelled in a day, ready to move on to the next steps. Below are some screenshots of the models that I created and then would take into Procreate to finalise my concepts. The props I chose to create concepts of being a bin, coffee machine, lighting fixture and toaster. I then worked on creating outlines over the models on Procreate. Now I had some clean line-work, I could move

Preparing for the Degree Show + Looking for Jobs in Industry

The past week or two I have focused on getting preparations done for both the degree show, and generally preparing for looking for work in industry. While this isn't directly related to my physical practice, I felt it was still important to update everything I have been working on here. One of my first tasks was to update my portfolio on both ArtStation and on my website, below are screenshots of the new website and the updated ArtStation. Here is a link to both of these sites for a full view: ArtStation - Website - Next, I designed some business cards and ordered those in preparation, as well as a display/holder for them. Next I ordered printouts of all of my work for my online portfolio so I could have a physical version for people to flick through if preferred. I also ordered a display case/carrier to display these in (I haven't put the printouts in just yet). Below is example of one of the